
IT's the pain. September 26, 2009

The only things I have to complain about...
Grand Prix Miyazaki English Speech 2009
IT's the pain. September 26, 2009
Whitey - September 24, 2009
Paint Art-Howard September 24, 2009
This ryuuboku was given to me by a fitness gym owner, Isu San, set up in Minami, Nobeoka.
Stepping In -English-Teacher-in-Nobeoka-Tel-0982-34-5666.JPG
Body Surfing -English-Teacher-in-Nobeoka-Tel-0982-34-5666.JPG
She Wades in the Ocean -English-Teacher-in-Nobeoka-Tel-0982-34-5666.JPG
Pointed Log
They would know by now if you had cancer. 9-22-2009
I always wanted to do the floating down the Colorado river. 9-21-2009
I got pancreatic Oct 2007. 9-20-2009
Thanks for your hard work. 9-19-2009
The problem with cancer... 9-18-2009
Tennis Notes:
A picture of the real winner of the Grand Prix English Contest in Miyazaki City September 25, 2009
The Meaning of Faith
The Origin of the Urabon
The Royal Palace


Hey Buddy,


Sorry to hear about your scare. 


The real scare is the actual pain if any. 


IT's the time it takes for whatever effective drug you can find to take effect.



I'm on my second year since my whipple operation.


I can feel a hard spot, well golf ball size above my belly button.


Next Monday, I'm going to spend a day and try CDDP.


CDDP is an old method of chemo that is injected.


25% lose their hair, but that's not a problem for me. he he he


I guess I'll be wearing a baseball cap.


It's in fashion these days.



I have been using TS1.


It has been somewhat effective in slowing down the process.



This CDDP might make me weaker.


And, it could affect other areas; kidney, etc.


They'll keep a close watch I guess.



Another option, perhaps, is this new clinic that just opened just south of us.


It has a new machine that can pinpoint the cancer and break it up, perhaps.



They won't operate because it would be too hard on my heart,


and it's in a peculiar area where there are a lot of nerves.



So, life goes on. 


I can still work.


A year ago, I started working at the local university.


I am amazed at how indifferent the students are.


But, I know that I was the same.



Everything else is in order with my life.


Financially, I can't complain.


We have a house that's paid for, overlooking the ocean, my dream come true.


My daughter, just yesterday, won the Grand Prix English Speech Contest in Miyazaki City.


She won a free trip to Okinawa for the second leg.


If she wins there, she will be going to Tokyo and compete for the Emperor's Cup.


It's a big, big deal.


The winner is assured of a bright future.


I am very proud of her.


But, it seems all she does is study.


I was quite the opposite.


I can't remember opening up any textbook for more than five minutes.


But, I was a good listener.


And, something must have stuck.



I am also glad that my daughter will not experience the drug culture as I did.


What a waste of lives!



Strategy of the Lotus Sutra
I have carefully read your letter in which you described the recent skirmish with powerful enemies. So they have finally attacked you. It is a matter of rejoicing that your usual prudence and courage, as well as your firm faith in the Lotus Sutra, enabled you to survive unharmed.
When one comes to the end of his good fortune, no strategy whatsoever will avail. When one's blessings are exhausted, even his retainers will no longer follow him. You survived because you still possess good fortune. Moreover, in the Zokurui chapter, the heavenly gods pledged to protect the votary of the Lotus Sutra. Of all the guardian deities in heaven, it is the gods of the sun and moon who visibly protect us. How can we doubt their protection? Marishiten in particular serves the god of the sun. Could the vassal Marishiten abandon the votary of the Lotus Sutra when her lord, the god of the sun, protects him? In the first chapter, Taishaku appears with his twenty thousand retainer gods. The god of the moon, the god of the stars, the god of the sun and the Four Heavenly Kings were seated together with their ten thousand retainer gods. Marishiten must be among the thirty thousand heavenly gods who were present at the ceremony. Otherwise, she could only abide in hell.
You must have escaped death because of this deity's protection. She gave you skill in swordsmanship, while Nichiren has bestowed upon you the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. Never doubt that all gods protect those who embrace the Lotus Sutra. Marishiten also embraces the Lotus Sutra and thus helps all people. Even the incantation, "Those who join the battle are all on the front line," is related to the Lotus Sutra, where it says, "...learning, government, language and daily living will accord with the True Law." Therefore you must summon up the power of faith more than ever. Do not blame the heavenly gods if you exhaust your good fortune and lose their protection.
Masakado was renowned as a brave general who had mastered the art of war, yet he was defeated by the emperor's armies. Fan K'uai and Chang Liang also failed in the end. Faith alone is what really matters. No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other. Then, just as the sutra says, "All enemies are crushed." These golden words will never prove false. Believe them wholeheartedly. The heart of strategy and swordsmanship derives from the Mystic Law. A coward cannot have any of his prayers answered.
With my deep respect,
The twenty-third day of the tenth month


Home: gokase.tripod.com/
by Howard Ahner
